Monday 28 June 2010


Whether you pronounce it grass with an extended r or grass with the emphasis on the ass part of the sound we all love it. You can walking through thick grass, you can be enveloped by the smell of freshly cut grass or you can sneeze on the grass because like me you suffer from hay fever. But even that cant stop me enjoying its fresh rich green. So i present to you...... Some delightful grass ( however you say it).

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Inuit folk tale images

Having finished my major project I thought I'd share some of the images i made for it. Featured are the scene in which we see Kunik the polar bear start fishing and the shot of the Inuit men's fishing net in the sea. these are two images that i really loved producing and tried many different versions of them until i got them just right. I love the way that the cliffs of ice seem dark and foreboding against the open water of the sea.